Aug 4, 2020Liked by taylor loren

Kudos to you for doing what you needed to. Living in America, I unfortunately don’t have many options in terms of having access to health care and taking time off— I have to make the choice between a job that offers subsidized health insurance but won’t give extended time off or paying full market price for health insurance (or going without) in lieu of job based insurance. If I had the option for affordable health insurance without employment, I definitely would have taken more breaks between jobs to develop brands/businesses or simply to take a much needed extended break! Excited to see what the future holds for you and happy you’re offering this resource so we can follow along.

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Got goosebumps reading your blog. Good on you to taking the step out. Outside of the box and expectation of others but also of your own. That step is the hardest to take.

Congrats and looking forward to see what you end up doing.

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This resonated with me so much. I put in my two weeks notice the week the shutdowns started here in Vegas. Then my "new job" called to tell me they were shutting down and I couldn't start.

Thankfully my existing job kept me on as long as they could. I got the call for the new job a month later but something didn't feel right. It felt too soon and with all the restrictions what event space was I supposed to sell? So I turned it down. I turned down a guaranteed job in the middle of a pandemic with record-breaking people out of work. I must be crazy, right?

I've turned down two offers since then. The money and the timing aren't lined up. I have 2 young kids starting online school next week. Who's supposed to help them? My 80-year-old mother in law?

I'm in an extremely privileged place to make these decisions. But I feel like there is something more for me than a full time job outside of the home right now. This is one time I just have to trust that the "thing" I want to build will all work out.

Good for you, Taylor. Here's to big dreams, whatever they may be.

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This is such a brilliant attitude Taylor, and thank you for being so transparent, it will help many people in similar situations. Yes software companies can be great fun, and progressing in your career can be fulfilling, but not for everybody, and not at all time’s in their life. It takes courage to admit that, if feels like going against the grain that society has prescribed for us - but the truth is, when you’re 80 years old (or whatever), the fact you lived a happy life and made decisions for you will be most important, not whether you adhered to a set of societal rules created by a capitalist culture. Thanks for sharing :)

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Hi Taylor! Thank you so much for being so honest. You’re so right that life is just too damn short. If we’re unhappy and unfulfilled in areas of our lives - we must bravely acknowledge it and know that we do have the power to change our own trajectory.

I love how you shared what no longer fulfills you and how you recognize your strengths and weaknesses. What brings you joy and what doesn’t. To openly admit them and to embrace them will inspire many people to do the same. COVID-19 and the political injustices (BLM) has impacted everyone’s life in some form or capacity. I believe it’s really made people stop and re-evaluate everything because life is too short.

Thanks for putting yourself out there and showing the rest of us that it’s okay to be scared and to take each day as they come. The skills and tools you’ve gain in your career is going to help you during your new beginnings. Trust in your yourself.

Thanks for letting the rest of us in on your journey to entrepreneurship!

- Laura

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